Recently i read in the newspaper, 'Abhishek Bachchan against Orkut for youth icon'!Firstly, Abhishek Bachchan as youth icon!!!! What for????..What has he done?..What has he done that the youth should look upto him??...Is it because he wears a funky hairband? which i think looks pathetic most of the times or is it because he has married Aishwarya Rai? now that may be a lesson for some of the guys...that you should marry a girl who is rich and famous, basically a woman who is more successful than you, have 'aish' with all her cash and follow her like a puppy everywhere she goes..or is it because he did a 'Guru'? which was an imitation of Dhirubhai Ambani.. though it was a commendable performance..But still Abhishek Bachchan!..seriously i dont think he fits the bill..
Secondly, Orkut!!!!...again a big ?...why????....I agree orkut is a good social networking site with certain obvious advantages but as they say every coin has two sides and when i look at the other side i can see that its a place for the jobless, its got some really wierd communities filled in with total crap and lots of creeps from various countries...Recently, i had been to the income tax office and there i saw some of the employees glued on to orkut leaving all their work aside!...Is that what a youth icon supposed to do? distract you from your work..i dont think so...
Neither Abhishek Bachchan nor orkut, none of them deserve even to be nominated...
Je tu baddal kaala...main neer haan teri
9 years ago