How many times have you faced a confusion that makes you choose between your head and your heart? Who wins this battle of head and heart? The practical ones would like to go with the head maybe....and the not so practical ones ( i am not going to use the word emotional ) would like to follow their heart maybe.....How many times have you felt that your head and your heart, both are partially correct? What do you do in such a situation? Why does something feel so right at times and yet when you apply reasoning, it seems to be wrong? And sometimes eventhough the reasoning might make it seem correct, your heart says that something is wrong? When do you rely on your intuition? When do you think of applying logic?
In case you are still reading this post....I am not trying to make any point with this, I dont have an answer to all these questions...I am not really looking for answers you might think if I dont care about the answers then why did i write all this in the first place....
well blogs can be used to write anything, can be crap too and yes this post is an example of such blogposts... these are random thoughts, they come across my mind at times....
So i write as i feel.....
the white carpet!
16 years ago