Back to blogging after a long time...
This post was lying in the draft stage for ages...as you can figure out from the title, it was supposed to be posted in september....anyway....so here is a story of a 3 months old experience, i have worked for more games since then and each day has been fun....but the first time is always special....so read on.....
This has to be one of the funniest things i have ever done. Athletics and myself, that itself is a funny combination and those who know me will totally agree with me.
As part of the new eventstaff, i opted to work for the men' soccer on 9/26. We had been given a strict dress code of white T-shirt, khaki pants and black or brown shoes. So, my friend and i, all dressed up to work for the game went to the stadium. The reporting time was 6.30 and we had reached before time, probably the first ones.
As per the weather forecast, we were expecting rains. (and honestly i had thought that they might cancel the game due to the bad weather but it seemed to be just the opppsite). They were pretty much equipped for the rains. And that brings us to the most funny part of this whole experience. Normally, they are supposed to give us a pull over. But...this time....because of the rains, we were given, let me put that word in caps, EXTRA large raincoats. Huge funny looking yellow colored raincoats. And i think the perfect comparison would be this...they looked exactly like the raincoat which 'jadoo wore in koi mil gaya'....every girl who came up was really surprised and shocked to find that she was supposed to wear this reallly funny looking thing and stand there in front of everyone for the next 4 hrs or so....
Now, what do we do after putting on the funny costumes....Initilally, i was told to stand behind the goalpost, not on the ground...outside the ground...and if the ball went outside, i was supposed to catch hold of it and put it back or just give it to the ball boy.....it seemed to be a very silly and boring thing to do, but then when people started coming in, like the audience, i realised that i didnt want to do this, simply because these guys get really crazy during the game (people who have played or been to such games will understand what i am talking about) and its not very safe to be around them.
Fortunately, i was shifted from there and now i was an usher, check tickets of whoever comes in and then send them in....this was a lot better....
Best part about working for these games is that you get to watch the game...for free!!...and trust me ....its fun....i like soccer anyway....it was St. John's University Vs University of Connecticut. We won!! St. John's won! yipee! After the first half of the game, i didnt have much work, so i could watch the game peacefully. Everything was nice except the weather, it was freaking cold, even in september.
Anyway, all in all, it was a nice first time experience. Waiting to work for more games and have fun...